General Books on Natural or Holistic Healing
Quantum Healing by Deepak Chopra, MD
Perfect Health, Deepak Chopra, MD
Natural Health, Natural Healing, Andrew Weil, MD
Spontaneus Healing, Andrew Weil, MD
Optimal Wellness, Ralph Golan, MD
Healing Words, Larry Dossey, MD
Space, Time and Medicine, Larry Dosey, MD
Love, Medicine and Miracles,Bernie Siegel, MD
Anatomy of an Illness, Norman COusins, PHD
Gesunheit!, Patch Adams, MD
Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom,Christine Northrup, MD
Cancer and Medicine
Questioning Chemotherapy, Ralph Moss, PHD
The Cancer Prevention Diet, Michio Kushi
Cancer and Nutrition, Charles Simone, MD
Chinese Medicine
The Web that has no Weaver, Ted Kapchuck, LAC
Between Heaven adn Earth, Beinfeld and Korngold
The Power of the Five Elements, Charles Moss, MD
Character and Health, Yves Requena, MD
Pain and Fibromyalgia
What Your Doctor Didn't Tell You About Fibromyalgia, St. Arnand, MD
Healing Back Pain, John Sarno, MD
The Mind Body Prescription, John Sarno, MD
Pain Free, Pete Egoscue
Energy Medicine
Energy Medicine, Donna Eden
Energy Anatomy, Carolyn Myss, PHD
Tired or Toxic? Sherry Rogers, MD
Sinus Survival Kit, Rob Ivker, DO
The Allergy Self Help Cookbook,Marjorie Hurt Jones
The Complete Food allergy Cookbook, Marilyn Gioannini
The Gluten Free Gourmet, Bette Hayman and Joseph Murray
Allergy cooking with Ease, Nicolette M. Dumke
Food Allergy Survival Guide, Vesanto Melina
Nutrition and Detoxification
Eat More Weigh Less, Dean Ornish, MD
Healing with Whole Foods, Paul Pitchford
Living in the Raw, Calvaro
Sweet and Natural, Janet Warrington
Brain Grain, Perlmutter, MD
Conscious Eating, Gabriel Cousens, MD
Eating for your Type, D. Amaro, MD
Genetic Roulette, Jeffrey M. Smith
Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon
The Detox Diet, Elson Haas, MD
The Plant Paradox, Steven Gundry, MD
Stress Reduction and Meditation.
Full Catastrophe Living, Jon Kabat Zinn, PHD
Mindfullness in Plain English, Bhante Henepola Gururatana
Miracle of Mindfulness, Thich Nhat Hahn
Loving Kindness, Sharon Salzberg
Insight Meditation, Joseph Goldstein
Hashimoto's Protocol, Isabella Wentz PHD