“For more than a decade, Ron Rosen, MD, has been there for me and my loved ones. I feel so relieved that we finally have found a doctor that listens and takes his time. His knowledge of both traditional medicine blended with holistic practices has kept us healthier than we've ever been before. When we're injured or in pain, he is able to hasten the healing process using adjustment, manipulation, and other methods. In addition, I have experienced debilitating allergies for more than 30 years. It seems unbelievable, both to me and those around me, that after seeing Dr. Rosen I no longer suffer from allergies and can enjoy the outdoors and nature as never before.”
— K.K / BEND, OR
“Dr. Ron Rosen is the most skilled, amazing and magical doctor/healer I've ever been privileged to know and work with. Ron is a Board Certified Internist who combines Western medicine with brilliant, gentle natural healing methods of acupuncture, energy work and craniosacral therapy. He is able to combine mind/body healing methods to assure a result that is deep and lasting. He has used acupuncture with me to heal a knee problem, an Achilles heel tear, and arthritis. A few years ago he used the NAET method to rid my system of a wheat allergy I had had for 18 years! Recently I received 2 Prolotherapy treatments to heal planter fasciitis which has plagued me for over 15 years. I can now walk for hours with ease! It seems miraculous but it is a natural healing method Ron uses for any tendon or ligament injury. Also, as a mental health therapist, Ibelieve my clients need a doctor who deeply understands the connection between physical and emotional suffering. Thus, I have referred many of my clients to Ron who has helped each of them in a kind,holistic, effective manner.”
“I have had the privilege of working in Dr. Rosen’s medical practice for the past 11 years. I thought it might be important and revealing to have an “insider’s” testimonial. I chose to write this, Dr. Rosen did not ask me to. I have seen people come into the office from all walks of life and from all emotional, mental, physical, and social backgrounds. Dr. Rosen is professional, thorough, accomplished, non-judgmental, understanding, compassionate, caring, and totally present for his patients. The positive results from his acupuncture, osteo-work, energy work, Naet, and Prolotherapy & PRP are highly visible in his patients. People often comment on the welcoming calm atmosphere of the office and the pleasurable experience of seeing a doctor who spends such quality time with them. He is a doctor, a healer, a friend to all, and I am totally honored to have him as my boss, my friend, and my own personal doctor.”
"OPEN PATHS" is the perfect name for Dr. Ron Rosen's practice― he's one of the few MDs willing to look "outside the box" of modern allopathic medicine, making the best of many time-honored healing traditions available to his patients. Medical mechanics are easy to find, but genuine heart-centered healers are rare. After a terrifying battle with an advanced life-threatening illness, I quite literally owe my life to Ron's "Open Paths."
“If you are tired of being treated like a number instead of a person; being given prescription drugs every time you see a doctor; waiting in the reception room past your appointment time and then shuttled out of a doctor’s office after only 5 minutes; if you feel like your doctor isn’t hearing what you say, then you need to see Dr. Rosen. I’ve never been to any doctor who was more caring and interested in my well-being and that of my family. Dr. Rosen considers the whole person, not only the physical, in his treatments. He uses alternative, natural treatments that are less invasive and healthier than prescription drugs. I most highly recommend Dr. Rosen, who has been our family’s primary care physician for over 10 years.”
“Ranching has been my lifestyle for many years, and the hours I spend horseback are a cherished gift. In April 2003 I experienced a Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis that led to the world of Doctors, MRI's and Coumadin. I was stunned when my neurologist announced that I could no longer ride my horses. "Too dangerous, too risky", he said. My brain felt so tired, and my whole head felt as if it could explode any minute, yet my heart knew that I could never give up my horses. Silently, I asked God to send a doctor who could help me to heal and regain the life that I love so much. As sick as I was, I felt a sense of anticipation as I waited for the path to wellness to unfold. I had a vision of a doctor who had his feet planted in the world of traditional medicine as well as theholistic world of acupuncture, Chinese medicines and other types of energy work. Then the universe brought me to Dr. Ronald Rosen in Bend, Oregon. Dr. Rosen was the answer to my prayers! He is an MD who has chosen to integrate many kinds of energy work into his practice. He has studied with healers from around the world and seems to have his own unique style of Cranial Sacral work. From my first appointment in his office, I felt a genuine warmth that made me feel protected, comfortable and surrounded in healing energy. After that first session, there was a significant reduction in the pain and pressure that I felt in my head. I knew that I had found the path to my true healing! I sense a deep compassion in Dr. Rosen. His easy going manner puts a person at ease and I always feel like he Really listens to what I have to say. At the same time, he is professional and sincere in doing his best to diagnose and treat his patients. Intuition is one of his most powerful tools. My journey of healing has been remarkable; in my heart I know that Dr. Rosen's skill and integratedtherapies helped me to heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I am forever grateful ...."
“I wanted to send you a note of expressing thanks for all that you have done for Hillary and me. Especially with Hillary, you provided the right kind of help and guidance we really needed. As you know Hillary was sick for several months and just not getting any better. When you saw her, it was amazing how you took the time to really listen and make sure that you understood everything she had been feeling and going through. You researched and consulted with other experts to confirm your findings. With the right kind of tests, diagnosis and treatment you got to the bottom of her illness and put her back on her feet. And that wasn’t the end of it you continued to follow up through her recovery getting her system completely back to normal. For me, you have also provided a tremendous amount in the treatment of my allergies. I appreciate so much that you take the time and make sure that the treatment is right for me. With the suffering I experience from the allergies that I do it is such a relief to be able to receive the treatments that you provide. “In today’s world people don’t take the time to say “Thank You”. Well, please accept our thanks and gratitude for helping our family."
— D.H. / BEND, OR
"Dr. Rosen has been our primary doctor for over 13 years. He has harmoniously combined western and eastern medicine to prevent, cure and heal whatever health conditions each member of our family has presented him with. He is compassionate and goes the extra mile to teach preventive medicine and he takes the time to explain. My husband and I could not imagine ever having a better family doctor."
“I have been a patient of Dr. Rosen’s for the past couple of years for the treatment of migraines. Dr. Rosen provides a genuinely caring and compassionate environment. I would be remiss not to mention that the members of his staff are always very kind and considerate, as well. Dr. Rosen has given me back several days of my life that would have been lost to migraines, and there is no thanks great enough for this gift! When I leave his office I feel as though I am healing. I am at peace. I have been heard!”
“When I first moved to Bend, many years ago, I went in search of a doctor who would consider my mind, body and spirit. I believe this type of approach is respectful of life. I wanted a caring physician, one who would listen to me and always use the least invasive and non toxic treatments. I found all those qualities and abilities in Ron Rosen. Over the years he has helped me reverse osteoporosis through the use of diet and herbal teas. He has helped me consistently in times of extreme emotional and physical stress. His supurb use of acupuncture and Chinese herbs have been repeatedly effective. Recently he employed energy work to help my body overcome the suffering of many years of seasonal and food allergies. The treatments have been a resounding success. I am grateful for the gentle, thoughtful and positive use of his multiple, alternative skills.”
“When I retired after 28 years as a driver, jumping in and out of a delivery truck, I found myself with both knees worn out, bone on bone and arthritic. The orthopedic surgeon told me I need both knees replaced. When I started the PRP treatments with Dr. Rosen I had chronic pain in both knees and the left knee had degenerate to the point that I couldn’t walk without a cane. Within a couple of weeks after my first treatment, I no longer needed the cane. I have had three treatments on my left knee and it’s like a new knee and pain free. Still working on the left one, but it’s back to about 75%. The arthritic swelling is gone in both of them, they are back to normal size.”
“I know my knee will never be normal after 3 procedures over a 13 year period, but after the PRP (Protein Rich Plasma) treatments I received from Dr. Rosen over the spring and summer months I am no longer considering knee replacement surgery. Gone are the intensely sharp pains from the osteoarthritis that I have lived with for the past 5-6 years. Gone are the many hours of throbbing dull pain that just seemed to appear from nowhere. I had lived so long anticipating pain in certain circumstances that I just accepted it. Those days are 95% gone. It is a rare instance when I have any discomfort. thanks for extending an active lifestyle."
“This is a short note to let you know how happy I am after receiving your specialized treatments. The combination of Platelet Rich Plasma, Prolotherapy and acupuncture was a very effective treatment for my Achilles tendon problem. As you will recall, I had acute tendinosis which required surgery. Thesurgeon found extensive damage and he informed me that recovery would be ardous and less than complete because of the amount of damage and the limited healing capacity of the tendons. Initially, I was confeined to a wheel chair, followed by four months in a cast and abouta year of physical therapy with virtual no improvement. The tendon remained painful with a sizeable bulge. I was able to wear only shoes with open heels. My physical therapist, who is a world class athlete, suggested that I look into PRP therapy and he gave me a case study of treatments succesfully performed on many athletes. He informed me that Bend is very fortunate to have one excellent doctor who performs the treatment, namely you Dr. Rosen, and he refered me to you. Fortunately, I followed his advise. After two treatments over a period of only two months, I am pain free, mobile, wearing normal shoes, very happy and grateful. Thank you for helping me ge my life back! With sincere gratitude.
"Some 7 months ago, a doctor at The Center, upon checking an X Ray of my left knee, declared that the only remedy was a knee replacement. That was not what I wanted to hear but the pain and lack of mobility were getting me close to accepting that route. Then I consulted with Dr. Rosen and he suggested Prolotherapy and Platelet Rich Plasma, a less invasive procedure. With just 5 days from the first injection, I could walk with almost no pain and in two weeks I was hiking 3 to 4 times per week to a distance of 20 miles. After the second application, on the third month, I was walking every day to about 8 miles each day and no pain. I wanted to express my appreciation for you care and expertise! Thank you my friend for giving me back the use of my knees!"
"I have been truly blessed with doctors that have the courage to step out of the box, to do therapies that are not mainstream western....some have been around for thousands of years and work.... My background has been in extreme athletics since age 5. Martial arts, football, skiing, running, motorcycles... I was out doing an 8 mile run when my hip went out. I saw specialists who wanted to do steroid injections, surgery and then a hip replacement in the future. I said no way and went back to Dr. Ron. He suggested I try Prolotherapy and PRP. After one treatment I was sore but the very next day my pain went away. Since then I have had prolo injections for my wrist, shoulder, elbow( golfers elbow even though I don't golf) all of which are pain free. I am grateful I can continue to do the sports I love."
"I recently had prolotherapy at the Open Paths Clinic under the care of Dr. Rosen. I had injured my arm: classic tennis elbow was diagnosed. I had cortisone shots, physical therapy and acupuncture over the course of 2 years: all of which did not help. I was quite desperate when I came to Dr. Rosen and willing to try anything. Prolotherapy worked, it hurt, but it worked. I was amazed because it sounded like hocus pocus. Dr. Rosen assured me it would work and it did. I was better in a matter of weeks and can't say enough good about the treatment. I recommend Prolotherapy, it really did work!"
"After undergoing 4 Prolotherapy treatments on my shoulder over a year ago, I have full use of the shoulder and arm and continue to have no pain. Thanks Dr. Rosen."